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陈园博士,91天媒传媒mv在线视频助理教授、博士生导师、深圳市鹏城孔雀特聘计划获得者。2019年毕业于悉尼大学,获哲学博士学位。2019-2022年于悉尼大学先进材料技术中心任ARC博士后研究员,从事复合材料力学机理分析、损伤预测、结构设计和先进制造等学术研究,具体研究方向包括:复合材料结构机理分析、拓扑优化及多功能设计、增材制造等,取得了系列创新性成果,以一作/通讯发表SCI论文30余篇,其中包括复合材料领域顶刊Compos Sci Technol,Compos Part A等;获得了国际著名专家、学术机构、国际组织等的认可和肯定,担任国际(Taylor & Francis)知名期刊Advanced Manufacturing: Polymer & Composites Science主编,并受邀担任知名国际期刊编委、专题顾问委员会委员、客座编辑等。主持国家自然科学基金、国家科技部重点研发子课题、广东省教育厅重点领域专项等,为波兰国家科学中心(NCN)项目评审专家。获得多个国际学术奖项并与澳大利亚、英国、德国等多个国家知名学者建立了稳固的合作关系,为英国皇家航空学会、欧洲材料研究学会等国际学术组织成员。








春季学期:SDM 474 先进设计与制造系统

夏季学期:SDM 101 综合系统设计入门

秋季学期:SDM 232 机械设计与制造综合 


2015-09 至 2019-01,悉尼大学,航空航天工程,博士

2012-09 至 2015-07,湖南大学,机械工程,硕士


2022-05 至今,91天媒传媒mv在线视频,系统设计与智能制造学院,助理教授

2019-09 至 2022-05,悉尼大学,宇航、机械与机电工程学院,博士后研究员

2020-11 至 2021-08,新南威尔士大学,工程与信息技术学院, 科研项目顾问

2021-02 至 2021-10,西悉尼大学,工学院,访问学者

2019-01 至 2019-09,悉尼大学,宇航、机械与机电工程学院,助理研究员

2018-03 至 2021-12,悉尼大学,宇航、机械与机电工程学院,助教


(1) CHEN Yuan*, MAI Yiu-Wing, YE Lin. (2023) “Perspectives for multiphase mechanical metamaterials”. Materials Science & Engineering R: Reports, 153: 100725. (IF: 33.667, Q1)

(2) CHEN Yuan, YE Lin, KINLOCH Anthony, ZHANG YiXia. (2022) “3D printed carbon-fibre reinforced composite lattice structures with good thermal-dimensional stability”. Composites Science and Technology, 227: 109599. (IF: 9.879, Q1)

(3) CHEN Yuan*, YE Lin, DONG Hang. (2022) “Lightweight 3D carbon fibre reinforced composite lattice structures of high thermal-dimensional stability”. Composite Structures, 304: 116471. (IF: 6.603, Q1)

(4) CHEN Yuan*, YE Lin (2021) “Designing and tailoring effective elastic modulus and negative Poisson’s ratio with continuous carbon fibres using 3D printing”. Composites Part A: Applied Science and Manufacturing, 150: 106625. (IF: 9.463, Q1)

(5) CHEN Yuan, YE Lin. (2021) “Topological design for 3D-printing of carbon fibre reinforced composite structural parts”. Composites Science and Technology, 204: 108644. (IF: 9.879, Q1)

(6) CHEN Yuan*, YE Lin, FU KunKun. (2021) “Progressive failure of CFRP tubes reinforced with composite sandwich panels: Numerical analysis and energy absorption”. Composite Structures, 263: 113674. (IF: 6.603, Q1)

(7) CHEN Yuan*, HE QingHao. (2020) “3D-printed short carbon fibre reinforced perforated structures with negative Poisson's ratios: Mechanisms and design”. Composite Structures, 236: 111859. (IF: 6.603, Q1)

(8) CHEN Yuan, YE Lin, FU KunKun, HAN Xu. (2018) “Transition from buckling to progressive failure during quasi-static in-plane crushing of CF/EP composite sandwich panels”. Composites Science and Technology, 168: 133-144. (IF: 9.879, Q1)

(9) CHEN Yuan, FU KunKun, HOU ShuJuan, HAN Xu, YE Lin. (2018) “Multi-objective optimization for designing a composite sandwich structure under normal and 45° impact loadings”. Composites Part B Engineering, 142: 159-170. (IF: 11.322, Q1)

(10) CHEN Yuan, HOU ShuJuan, Fu KunKun, HAN Xu, YE Lin. (2017) “Low-velocity impact response of composite sandwich structures: Modelling and experiment”. Composite Structures, 168: 322-334. (IF: 6.603, Q1)


1、最佳会议报告(Best Oral Presentation),The 6th International Conference on Material Strength and Applied Mechanics,2023

2、鹏城孔雀计划(Pengcheng Peacock Plan), Shenzhen Government,2022

3、国际旅行奖(Travel Award), Multidisciplinary Digital Publishing Institute,2022

4、最佳会议报告(Best Oral Presentation),The 4th International Conference on Material Strength and Applied Mechanics,2021

5、青年科学家奖(Young Scientist Medal),International Association of Advanced Materials,2021

6、悉尼大学研究生科研奖励计划(Postgraduate Research Student Scheme),The University of Sydney,2018

7、悉尼大学研究生科研奖励计划(Postgraduate Research Student Scheme),The University of Sydney,2017
