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刘崇炫,现任91天媒传媒mv在线视频讲席教授。长期从事污染物在地下水和土壤中的迁移、转化和降解研究,擅长运用理论、实验和模拟相结合的方法研究污染物在环境中的迁移转化规律和设计开发水处理和污染修复技术。在开发多尺度流体流动和溶质迁移模型,发展微生物动力学模型以描述物质和能量的代谢耦合过程,以及开发污水处理和土壤污染的微生物修复技术和从污水中捕获去除重金属和放射性核素纳米介孔材料等方面取得了多项创新成果。已主持和参加20余项美国和中国政府资助的科研项目。总资助额超过1亿美元。现任国际SCI期刊地球和空间化学(ACS Earth and Space Chemistry) 副主编,发表SCI论文150多篇,其中在环境科学和工程领域顶级期刊《Environmental Science & Technology》发表论文38篇,在环境地球化学领域顶级期刊《Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta》发表论文32篇,在水资源领域顶级期刊《Water Resources Research》发表论文14篇。被SCI期刊引用3,900多次,H因子38(Google Scholar引用5,800多次, H因子47)。



1994-1998: 博士(环境工程),美国约翰霍普金斯大学
1992-1994: 硕士(水化学),美国阿拉伯马大学
1982-1984: 硕士(水文地质,水文地球化学),浙江大学
1978-1982: 学士(地质学),浙江大学


2016-至今:91天媒传媒mv在线视频环境科学与工程学院, 讲席教授
2015: 中国地质大学(武汉),教授



2011:美国地质学会 Fellow



[1] Yan S. Y Liu, C Liu*, L Shi, J Shang, H Shan, J Zachara, J Fredrickson, D Kennedy, C Resch, C Thompson, and S Fansler, 2016, Nitrate bioreduction in redox-variable low permeability sediments, Science of Total Environment, 539, 185-195
[2] Liu Y, C Liu*, RK Kukkadapu, JP McKinley, JM Zachara, AE Plymale, MD Miller, TV, CT Resch, 2015, 99Tc(VII) Migration, Reduction, and Redox Rate Scaling in Naturally Reduced Sediments, Environmental Science & Technology, 49, 13403-13412
[3] Liu C*, Y. Liu, S Kerisit, JM Zachara, 2015, Pore-scale process coupling and effective surface reaction rate, Reviews in Mineralogy and Geochemistry, 80, 191-216
[4] Liu Y, C Liu*, C Zhang, X Yang, and JM Zachara, 2015,  Pore- and continuum-scale study of the effect of subgrid transport heterogeneity on redox reaction rates, Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta, 163, 140-155
[5] Fang Y, C. Liu, and L. R. Leung, 2015, Accelerating the spin-up of the coupled carbon and nitrogen cycle model in CLM4, Geoscience Model Development. 8, 781-789
[6] Yang X, C Liu*, R Hinkle, H-Y Li, V Bailey, and B Bond-Lamberty, 2015, Simulations of ecosystem hydrological processes using a unified multi-scale model, Ecological Modeling, 296:93-101.
[7] Liu C*, J Shang, H Shan, JM Zachara, 2014, Effect of subgrid heterogeneity on scaling geochemical and biogeochemical reaction rates, a case study of U(VI) desorption, Environmental Science & Technology, 48, 1745-1752.
[8] Liu C*, J Shang, SN Kerisit, and JM Zachara.  2013.  Scale-Dependent Rates of Uranyl Surface Complexation Reaction in Sediments. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta, 105, 326-341.
[9] Shang J, C Liu*, and Z Wang, 2013.  Transport and retention of engineered nanoporous particles in porous media: Effects of concentration and flow dynamics, Colloids and Surfaces A: Physicochemical and Engineering Aspects, 417, 89-98
[10] Liu, C*, J Shang, and J. M. Zachara. 2011. Multi-species diffusion models: A study of uranyl species diffusion. Water Resource Research 47, W12514