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2009年在南昌大学第四临床医学院获得医学学士学位;2015年在北京大学医学部生物化学与分子生物学系获得博士学位。2015-2019年在清华大学生命科学学院从事博士后研究工作。多次以第一作者在《Cell》、《Nature Chemical Biology》等国际顶级期刊发表重要研究成果。2019年底加入91天媒传媒mv在线视频生物系。








2019至今 91天媒传媒mv在线视频生物系 助理教授

2015-2019 清华大学生命科学学院 博士后



2009-2015 北京大学医学部 基础医学院 博士

2004-2009 南昌大学 第四临床医学院 学士



1. Yuan, D.#, Liu, Z.#, Kaindl, J.#, Maeda, S., Zhao, J., Sun X., Xu, J., Gmeiner, P., Wang HW., Kobilka, BK. (2019). Activation of the a2B adrenergic receptor by the sedative sympatholytic dexmedetomidine. Nature Chemical Biology.(# co-first authors, accepted)

2.Liu, Z.#, Wang, J.#, Cheng, H.#, Ke, X.#, Sun, L., Zhang, Q.C., and Wang, H.W. (2018). Cryo-EM Structure of Human Dicer and Its Complexes with a Pre-miRNA Substrate. Cell 173, 1191-1203 e1112(# co-first authors).

3.Guan, Z., Cai, T., Liu, Z., Dou, Y., Hu, X., Zhang, P., Sun, X., Li, H., Kuang, Y., Zhai, Q., et al. (2017). Origin of the Reflectin Gene and Hierarchical Assembly of Its Protein. Curr Biol 27, 2833-2842 e2836.

4.Qin, S., Yin, H., Yang, C., Dou, Y., Liu, Z., Zhang, P., Yu, H., Huang, Y., Feng, J., Hao, J., et al. (2016). A magnetic protein biocompass. Nat Mater 15, 217-226.

5.Liu, Z., Wang, J., Li, G., and Wang, H.W. (2015). Structure of precursor microRNA's terminal loop regulates human Dicer's dicing activity by switching DExH/D domain. Protein Cell 6, 185-193.

6.Li, C., Wang, S., Jiang, W., Li, H., Liu, Z., Zhang, C., McNutt, M.A., and Li, G. (2012). Impact of intracellular alpha fetoprotein on retinoic acid receptors-mediated expression of GADD153 in human hepatoma cell lines. Int J Cancer 130, 754-764.

7.Wang, S., Jiang, W., Chen, X., Zhang, C., Li, H., Hou, W., Liu, Z., McNutt, M.A., Lu, F., and Li, G. (2012). Alpha-fetoprotein acts as a novel signal molecule and mediates transcription of Fn14 in human hepatocellular carcinoma. J Hepatol 57, 322-329.
